Walkabout REGULAR
Regular semena konopí Walkabout od Mr. Nice Seeds. Genetický původ Thai, skunk, Mexican, New Guinea a Haze.
Počet produktů: 182
Regular semena konopí Walkabout od Mr. Nice Seeds. Genetický původ Thai, skunk, Mexican, New Guinea a Haze.
Angel Heart - Mango Haze x Afghan Skunk regular
Regular semena marihuany Angels Breathe od Mr. Nice Seeds. Genetický původ 2.5% NL5, 12.5% Skunk, 25% Afghan a 50% Haze.
Regular semínka konopí Nevilles Haze od Mr. Nice Seeds. Genetický původ Nl5/Haze A x Haze C.
Regular semena konopí Mr. Nice Seeds Nevilles Haze x Mango. Genetický původ 12.5% Skunk, 25% NL5, 12.5% Haze A male, 50% Haze.
Regular semínka konopní Nevilles Skunk od Mr. Nice Seeds. Genetický původ 12.5% NL5, 37.5% Haze, 25% Afghan and 25% Skunk.
Regular semena marihuany The Stones od Mr. Nice Seeds. 25% Afghan, 25% Skunk, 50% Haze.
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